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Carolina Foothills Eldercare Serves Hundreds in its Second Year













The Carolina Foothills Eldercare program was created December 2022 by the Carolina Foothills Foundation to address unmet needs of those 65 and older in Rutherford and Polk Counties. Since that time, the Carolina Foothills Eldercare program has served hundreds of people providing certified nursing assistants in homes on a sliding scale fee, life alert systems, home delivered meals throughout Rutherford County for those not currently served by the Senior Center Program, referrals to the Meals on Wheels program in Polk County, mobility ramps and simple home repairs, transportation to local doctor appointments, durable medical equipment and supplies, and food and personal care pantry items.


From January 1 to December 31, 2024, 215 home care patients were served in their homes, 92 life alert systems were provided, 21 ramps were installed, 21 additional home repairs were completed, 120 transports were completed to doctor’s appointments, and 52,140 home cooked meals were delivered to 203 people. The program is provided to recipients on a sliding scale fee basis, with most services provided at either no cost or a nominal fee.
















Terry Kuykendall, son of 88-year-old Eldercare patient Frances Kuykendall, who is cared for by Certified Nursing Assistants in her Lynn home, is grateful for the Eldercare Program. “Eldercare has made a huge difference in Mom’s life. The program provided a Life Alert system for her so that when she fell in November, she was able to call for help. If it wasn’t for the Life Alert, she could have been on the floor until I came back to check on her. After surgery, she was able to come back home quickly, because we had the Eldercare CNAs coming in to take care of her several times a week. The care she gets and having someone here to talk to her helps keep her in her own home rather than having to go somewhere,” Terry said.


















Peggy and Arlin Bigelow, 80 and 81 years old of Ellenboro, are also very appreciative of the services they have received. “I think the Eldercare Program is unbelievable. If we didn’t have your services, we would have both had to be in facilities much longer after my fall and Arlin’s stroke. That would have been awful for both of us. I could relax when I came home from rehab, because the CNAs came in and took care of everything, and we even received home delivered meals during the most critical time,” Peggy said. “We have wonderful CNAs who are very passionate about what they do,” Arlin said. Carolina Foothills Eldercare also installed a ramp for the Bigelows so that they may access their home without using the stairs. “There is no doubt we would have not been able to stay in our home had it not been for the Eldercare program,” both the Bigelows reiterated.















Sandra Drouin, 77 years old of Rutherfordton who navigates her home in a wheelchair, said that the installation of a ramp by Eldercare provided her with freedom. “I now have the freedom to come in and out of my house, I’m not afraid of being able to leave if the house catches on fire, my friends can come and visit, I have less stress, and I just have more overall peace of mind,” she said. Sandra also receives home care services provided by an Eldercare Certified Nursing Assistant.


Carolina Foothills Eldercare is made possible primarily as the result of funding from the Carolina Foothills Foundation. Hospice of the Carolina Foothills transferred its hospice license to Agape Care Group in May 2022, and the former Hospice Board of Directors then created a public charity, the Carolina Foothills Foundation, to address eldercare, youth development and wellness issues in Rutherford and Polk Counties. The primary focus of the Foundation is to provide services through the Carolina Foothills Eldercare Program to fill the gaps in eldercare in Rutherford and Polk Counties. “The Foundation Board of Directors who also previously served on the Hospice of the Carolina Foothills Board, recognized that there was little focus on meeting the needs of the elderly who don’t qualify for Medicaid or VA benefits,” Rita Burch, CEO of the Foundation and former CEO of Hospice of the Carolina Foothills said. “We feel that in a relatively short period of time, we have developed services that enable people to live safely at home. We are constantly evolving and expanding those services as other issues are identified.” The Carolina Foothills Foundation has supported the Eldercare Program with $4 million thus far. The Foundation has also distributed an additional $4.5 million in grants to other agencies in Polk and Rutherford Counties to meet elder, youth development, and wellness needs for a total of $8.5 million to eldercare and other agencies since 2023. As part of that total, the Foundation distributed $695,000 in October 2024 to Hurricane Helene relief.


All proceeds from the Carolina Foothills Eldercare Resale Shop also ensure people can receive services regardless of their ability to pay. The Eldercare program also accepts donations from other sources such as individuals, churches, and businesses.


The Carolina Foothills Foundation is currently in need of volunteers, donations and shoppers at the Resale Shop, pantry items, and of course, donations. If you know someone 65 years and older who can benefit from the services mentioned above, please call (828) 222-4375.


​Photo 1: Robin Vaughn, Kitchen Manager, and Tracy Weast, Assistant Kitchen Manager, prepare home delivered meals for hundreds of elderly residents of Rutherford County.

Photo 2: Terry Kuykendall, Frances Kuykendall, and Eldercare CNA Kendra Gibson work together to keep Frances in her home.

Photo 3: Eldercare CNA Natasha Robbins, Peggy and Arlin Bigelow have formed a special team to care for Arlin.

Photo 4: Eldercare Maintenance Technician Will Hodsden installed the ramp for Sandra Drouin.



376 Hudlow Road
(Mail to: P.O. Box 336)

Forest City, NC 28043

Foundation Main: 828-222-4350

Eldercare: 828-222-4375


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