2024 Grants Cycle
The 2024 Grant Cycle is Closed.
For questions, contact info@carolinaff.org or call 828-222-4350.
Eligibility Requirements
Classified as tax exempt public charities under Section 501c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or government entities serving Rutherford and Polk Counties.
Provide programs and services that are consistent with the Foundation’s mission and values.
Demonstrate that the goals of the grant are measurable and sustainable.
Only one application submitted per agency and request for only one of the following categories: eldercare, youth development, or wellness.
(this is not an inclusive list)
Make grants or loans to individuals
Donate to political causes, candidates, organizations, or campaigns
Support organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or disability
Organizations not supporting the residents of Rutherford/Polk counties
Funding for salaries
K-12 public or private school, charter school, community/junior college, state/private college, or university. Separate 501c3 organizations established to support a school should contact the Foundation prior to submission to determine project eligibility.
Please contact Rita Burch, CEO, at rita.burch@carolinaff.org for guidance in determining the eligibility of your organization and/or project.
Applications must be submitted through the online grant application form or alternative accessible application designed for assistive technology users.
Grant Year
The Foundation grant year begins July 1, 2024, and ends June 30, 2025.
Geographic Focus
Rutherford County and Polk County, NC
Questions or Comments?
Carolina Foothills Foundation welcomes and values your feedback on the grants process and priorities.
Please direct your inquiries and comments to Rita Burch, CEO, at rita.burch@carolinaff.org.